Request for Qualifications - Safe Streets & Roads for All Demonstration Projects

Posted on December 19, 2024

The City of Versailles is seeking the services of a professional engineering firm to assist with conducting
demonstration projects in support of the Regional Safety Action Plan being developed in cooperation with
the Bluegrass Area Development District.

Project Description
The City of Versailles was awarded grant funding for planning and demonstration activities in Versailles
and Woodford County.
We are proposing four quick-build demonstration projects that will test various safety interventions to
slow traffic, collect data on safety and use, and improve facilities for vulnerable users. Each project will be
monitored before, during and after for reductions in impulsive driving, speed, and risky maneuvers. These
projects will encourage intentional driving behaviors with fewer left turns, lower speeds, and designated
pedestrian paths.
These projects will provide an opportunity to get meaningful feedback from our community. If effective,
they will be included as recommendations in the regional Safety Action Plan for future implementation.
We anticipate each demonstration project to be set up for approximately 6 to 8 weeks with several
additional months before and after the projects for planning, preparation, public involvement, data
analysis and reporting. A permit for work within the state right of way will be necessary; these usually
take less than a month. No environmental permits will be needed. The description below from the grant
application discusses the proposed demonstration projects.
1. Controlling access at Woodford Plaza on Lexington Road tests a concept at a known high-crash location.
Tasks to be completed include blocking the existing left turns into and out of the plaza using traffic
channelizing cones, temporary striping, and installing temporary signage, monitored with video
cameras. Since Lexington Road is a state road, we will coordinate our project with the Kentucky
Transportation Cabinet’s Office of Highway Safety and the Traffic Engineering and Permits section.
2. Working with business owners and employees at Woodford Plaza, we will learn more about pedestrian
traffic habits and develop ways to evaluate pedestrian routes from the surrounding neighborhood to
the stores. This is a dangerous area for pedestrians as there is no clearly defined sidewalk across the
plaza’s wide front entrance nor is there one at the secondary entrance off Wilson Avenue. Pedestrians
often walk to the plaza from nearby low-income rental properties to buy groceries and dollar store
items. We propose creating temporary “sidewalks” at each entrance by using pavement marking tape.
We will evaluate the effectiveness of the routes with infrared or video pedestrian counters to track use
over time. Ideally, this project will be conducted during walking weather.
3. Continuing toward town on Lexington Road is a side street called Laval Heights that many people use to
get to their subdivisions faster and avoid downtown. Because it is a busy intersection, this area has been
the site of numerous accidents, including a recent fatality. We propose disallowing left turns from Laval
Heights onto Lexington Road (the reason for the fatality) and requiring drivers to turn left a block away
onto Equestrian Way and turning left closer to town. We will use temporary barricades and signage at
the two locations to accomplish this and monitor with video cameras to evaluate driver behavior.
4. Utilizing digital speed awareness signs on the heavily traveled Midway Road will address an 8-mile-long
rural road of great concern to many county residents. The road connects the City of Versailles with the
City of Midway and has been the scene of many accidents, including those involving fatalities. The
Versailles Police Department owns several digital speed awareness units with recording capabilities.
We will evaluate the effect of speed awareness by recording speeds with the display off and the display
on. We will work with the police department and traffic engineers to determine the best location for
the sign(s), the duration of monitoring, and how speed awareness could be used to reduce crashes.
Timing for this project will avoid seasonal road hazards like ice and wet leaves.
5. While we are aware of some of the areas that need improved roadway safety for all, we anticipate that
there will be other locations identified during public involvement for other projects, as well as
opportunities that arise as part of the development of the regional Safety Action Plan. There may also
be other concepts to test with a demonstration project. We have put some funding for these unknown
projects into our budget.


The City is seeking assistance with the following tasks.
1. Project Planning
• Determine location, duration, and settings of cameras (Miovision or similar)
• Create sketch showing temporary measures
• Coordinate with KYTC and Versailles Police Department
2. Project Implementation
• Install video cameras (or provide guidance)
• Conduct Pre-monitoring
• Review reports from pre-monitoring
• Provide guidance on installation of temporary measures
• Monitor project after installation
• Review reports from monitoring
3. Project Reporting
• Meet with City staff and other interested parties
• Document the project


1. A project plan for each location.
2. KYTC encroachment permits where necessary.
3. Pre-monitoring summary.
4. Monitoring summary during implementation.
5. Post-implementation monitoring, if necessary.
6. Summary document with findings and recommendations.
Property and topographic surveying is not required for this phase. City mapping, including topography,
parcel lines (reference only), water, sewer and storm utilities, is available for use.


Issuance of RFP December 20, 2024
Qualification Submittal Due January 15, 2025
Selection Committee Meeting January 21, 2025
Selection of Consultant January 24, 2025
Fee Negotiations January 30, 2025*
Kickoff Meeting February 6, 2025*
Completion of Contract September 8, 2025*
* These dates are tentative.


The city will negotiate a lump sum fee with the selected consultant for the deliverables listed above.
Additional tasks may be assigned and fees likewise negotiated. Do not include a fee proposal.


Please submit your qualifications to the City of Versailles no later than noon, January 15, 2025.
Qualifications packages should include the following (with score weight in parentheses):
1. Project familiarity and innovative ideas. (30%)
2. Project team including any subcontractors. Include resumes of key personnel, indicating KYTC
pre-qualifications, if any. (30%)
3. Similar experience with demonstration projects and traffic monitoring with references. (20%)
4. Demonstration of capacity and commitment to meet the anticipated schedule. (20%)
Submittals will be scored by a selection committee appointed by the Mayor of Versailles.
If you have questions, please contact Mary Beth Robson at or Dan
Knight at

For a printable pdf of the complete RFQ: RFQ - Safe Streets for All