Water & Sewer Departments

Versailles Municipal Utilities (VMU) Water & Sewer



The Versailles Water Treatment Plant, located on Tyrone Pike, has production capacity of 10 million gallons of water per day. We currently provide water to approximately 6,800 customers, including the South Woodford and Northeast Woodford Water Districts. The source of water for Versailles is Pool 5 of the Kentucky River. Continuous laboratory testing at both the water plant and at numerous sites throughout the distribution system ensures that all water treated at our plant exceeds state and federal standards.

Our distribution system consists of over 115 miles of water lines, four water tanks, 6,800 water meters (all of which are read the middle of every month), 1,500 water valves and 624 fire hydrants.

To view the 2023 Water Quality Report, 2023 CCR.


A major upgrade and expansion of the Versailles Wastewater Treatment Plant was completed in 2020. At a cost of nearly $20 million, making it the single largest expense ever undertaken by the City of Versailles, the project thoroughly modernized and improved the ways in which wastewater is treated. It has a design capacity of 4.5 million gallons per day and serves over 5,900 customers.

There are almost 100 miles of sewer line, 2,225 manholes, and 24 sewer lift stations in our sewer collection system. Our employees maintain an on-going pro-active collection system maintenance program, which includes cleaning and video-inspecting all sewer mains. In conjunction with the plant expansion, VMU also completed making approximately $7 million of improvements to the collection system over the past ten years.

For more information about these sewer projects, and to see the information presented at the December 2015 Public Meeting on the subject, please click here:

WWTP Power Point

Utility Rate Increases

In order to provide the best services possible to our water and sewer customers, and to allow for increased costs for utilities, chemicals, personnel, etc., rates charged for water and sewer increase by 2% annually. 

Signing up for water/sewer service with Versailles Municipal Utilities:

In order to sign up for water/sewer service (also includes garbage service for city residents), you can either visit the Versailles Municipal Utilities office located in City Hall at 196 South Main Street. This office is open Monday through Thursday 8:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. and Friday 8:00a.m. - noon. Or you can sign up here on the website using a debit/credit card. An ID, a signed lease if renting the property, and a $100.00 deposit is required for all customers. The deposit must be paid at the time you sign up for service. In person we can only accept cash, check, or money order.

In order to have service placed in your name on the same day, you must come into the office or sign up online by 2:30p.m. If you are moving from one location to another, within our service area, then your deposit will transfer to the new location. If you are going to have water service in your name at more than one location, then a deposit is required at each location. Please call us at (859) 873-5437 with any questions.

For additional information, including rates, please see the VMU Utilities Customer Information

Water/Sewer Service Information:

  • Water and sewer bills are mailed to customers on the 1st of each month. If you fail to receive a bill by the 5th of the month, please contact our office at (859) 873-5437.
  • Bills are due on the 15th of each month. If a bill is not paid by the close of business on the 15th of the month, then a 10% late fee is assessed. Any bill not paid by the close of business on the 25th of the month will have a $40.00 processing fee assessed in addition to any late fees that had already been assessed.
  • Termination of service on the 26th of each month if the bill has not been paid.
  • For your convenience, we have two drive up deposit boxes which are located in the front and rear of City Hall. These boxes may be used 24 hours a day for all payments to the City of Versailles.
  • We also offer automatic bank draft. This service is an easy and convenient way to pay your utility bill. You may come in and sign up for this service with a voided check at City Hall. 
  • Click here to pay your bill online, with a credit or debit card.
  • Please note that if you choose the bill paying service offered by many banks, it may take 7-10 days for us to receive their check, resulting in your bill being paid "late".

Tap Fees

For new development and/or construction, water meters of various sizes are available for purchase. The rates for water meter taps are as follows:

  • ¾ inch = $2,000.00
  • 1 inch = $2,300.00
  • 1½ inch = $3,100.00
  • 2 inch = $3,500.00
  • Anything above 2 inch = $2,000.00 (plus contractor provides Sensus brand touch read meter)
  • The sewer tap charge is included in the water meter price
  • There is a $1,500.00 fee for sewer service where Versailles Municipal Utilities does not provide the water  

Wastewater Impact Fees

On January 1, 2018, the City of Versailles implemented a Wastewater Impact Fee Program, one-time fees assigned to new residential and commercial development, to be used for funding capital improvements and expansions of the City's wastewater utility.

For more details, please click here: Impact Fee Quick Sheet 2022 for an overview. For the schedule of Impact Fees, click here, Impact Fee Rates 2022.

For the entire Wastewater Impact Fee Program Manual, click here, Versailles Impact Fee Program Manual.

Utilities Manager
Mitzi Delius
City of Versailles
196 South Main Street
P.O. Box 625
Versailles, Kentucky 40383
859-873-2245, Ext. 128

Versailles Water Plant
Ross Harrell
Water Plant Superintendent
US Highway 62
Firegate 85
Versailles, Kentucky 40383

(859) 873-5740 (Office)
(859) 879-3445 (Fax)

Versailles Wastewater Treatment
Greg Thurman
Wastewater Plant Superintendent
338 Kentucky Avenue
Versailles, Kentucky 40383
(859) 873-3624 (Office)